My name is Katie Findling.
Thank you for voting me on to the Garibaldi City Council, and I’m proud to now be your mayor.
It’s time I introduced myself.
“So, who is Katie Findling?”
I work everyday to live with intention, and want to impact the lives of those around me in a meaningful, uplifting way. My family, heart, and soul are here in Garibaldi.
Following in the footsteps of my heritage.
With coast roots dating back to the Oregon Trail, the women in my family have left a legacy of integrity & impact at the coast. My great grandmother, Valentine Harris, has a bench dedicated to her at the Rockaway Beach Wayside – she was well known to the community as the “Spirit of Christmas.” My grandmother, Linda Terhune, was actively involved on the Rockaway Beach chamber board and community. My mom, Sandy Tyrer, served in the U.S. Marine Corps and gives back to the community on the Board of Directors for Neah-Kah-Nie School District and as a member of the Tillamook County Tourism Advisory Board.
These women all taught me the critical importance of giving back, and I’ve been doing just that for my entire life. I’m an active member of my church and have a passion to serve my community. I am dedicated to ensuring that the community is served in an equitable and fiscally responsible manner.
Following in their footsteps is no small undertaking.
I’m committed to contribute more to my city and help accomplish things that positively impact the community of Garibaldi – on a bigger scale than simply in my backyard. I’m a known leader and expert in my field, & want to bring everything I have to the table to help Garibaldi be the best Garibaldi it can be. My Bachelors Degree in Strategic Communication, dual minors in psychology + business, and extensive project management experience bring significant strengths that I would use to help make that impact.
My tomorrows are going to be here.
I will bring passion, integrity, commitment, and a 21st Century skill set to help the City of Garibaldi achieve its untapped potential while maintaining its neighborly charm.
My tomorrows are in Garibaldi.
I’m proud to be a member of this small, “authentic fishing village” now, and for the next 50 years.