For me, it’s all about making an impact.
This website reflects the life of an artist who dabbles in digital marketing.
Some could say I’m on a quest to find my calling; I think of it as looking for how to make my soul sing, while making a lasting impact on the lives of others.
i want to impact the lives around me in a meaningful, uplifting way.
I’m passionate and perfectionist about art, branding, event planning, marketing, psychology, and music.
so…let’s go more pie-in-the-sky…
My goal? To use and expand my experience, knowledge and marketing skills to ignite the passion of others, and change the world. (All in a day’s work.)
My family, heart, and soul are in the Pacific Northwest.
Waterfall hikes are my friend, and good people doing good things makes my heart sing.
My name is Katie Findling, and this is a peek into my journey.
It’s time to survive and excel in a world where not only are we expected to be an expert at a few things, but good at everything else too.